About the Ministry League…
A light shines through the night and points out a symbol for Hope, Faith, & Family! God never intended on man to be alone, living and working by himself. From the pattern of the family & the Church, relationships are prevalent. The Ministry League is not a solo act. We are all better when we work together, bringing all of our power and strengths together to accomplish more! From the events that we organize, the resources that we gather, the network that offers help, and Mission work that we will all get to be a part of together! The Ministry League is a non profit organization compiled for members of the Church of Christ working together to share Bible Study content of all kinds.
Meet the Ministry League Family!
Leadership Team | Creative Team | Network | Exposure
Leadership Team
President & CEO, on the Board for EYC. Serves as the Connections Minister at the Piedmont Road Church of Christ in Marietta, Georgia. Co-Host of the Jon & Paul Show and several other podcasts.
Jon Podein
Vice President, on the Board for EYC, ML, & IN2 Global Committee. Works for Calhoun Church of Christ as the Outreach & Engagement Minister. Also works with Lads2Leaders. Co-Host of the Jon & Paul Show.
Caleb Sampson
Ministry League Network Director. Caleb also Serves as the Director of Media Marketing at Heritage Christian University in Florence, Alabama.
Dale jenkins
Exposure Youth Camp Secratary, Keynotes & Teachers Management. Dale works with brother, Jeff in the Jenkins Institute. Dale lives in Spring Hill, TN
Gail Williams
Secretary / Treasurer, Admin. Director, EYC Camp Nurse, & Travel Pro. Gail lives in Birmingham, AL and worships at the Palisades Church of Christ.
Creative Team
Lori Boyd
Director of the ML Ladies Ministry Connection Group, and has also partnered with the Ministry League Network to provide Bible studies to women all over the world through her “Season and Shine” podcast and vlog.
Tyler Brassfield
App developer for Ministry League, handling design aspects for both Android, tvOS, and iOS, and the production of the iOS and tvOS platforms.
Travis Creasy
Co-Host of the Ben & Travis Podcast. Travis serves as the Campus Minister at the Riverside Academy in Fayetteville, Tennessee and the preacher for the Riverside Church of Christ.
Jerry Elder
Contributor of resources & Host of 60 seconds of Love Podcast. Jerry also Serves as the Youth & Family Minister at the Spring Meadows Church of Christ, in Spring Hill, Tennessee
Ben Hayes
Co-Host of the Ben & Travis Podcast. Ben Serves as the Preaching Minister at the Highland Park Church of Christ in Muscle Shoals, Alabama.
Caleb Sampson
ML Leadership Team, Ministry League Network Director. Caleb also Serves as Media Director at Heritage Christian University. Producer for the Jon & Paul Show and several other projects.
KristIn Sampson
Host of the “HER” Podcast by women and for women. She does interviews and devotional thoughts designed to give Hope, Encourage the listener, and provide Reflection from the Word.
Paul Spurlin
ML Leadership Team, President & CEO, on the Board for EYC. Works as the Connections Minister at the Piedmont Road Church of Christ in Marietta, Georgia. Co-Host of the Jon & Paul Show.
Events & Workshops
Jeff & Dale Jenkins
Hosting the occasional Preacher Therapy. Jeff and Dale run the Jenkins Institute to help Preachers. Contact them if your area would like for them to Host a Better Conference or a Grief Seminar.
Trey & Lea Morgan
Hosts of the Stronger Marriages Podcast with Trey & Lea. They also offer marriage and family seminars & Life Coaching. Trey preaches for the Sunset Church of Christ in Lubbock, TX.
Jon & Paul
Jon Podein & Paul Spurlin are the Hosts of the “Jon & Paul Show.” They have conducted research and study to help see congregations grow through an Acts 1:8 approach. They will run assessments of your community and offer a seminar to help your congregation with Connection, Leadership, & Outreach.
Caleb & Paul
Caleb Sampson & Paul Spurlin will come to your congregation and conduct this seminar on Digital Warfare! They will tag team topics that will be both Biblical and Practical is conjuring the battle with social media.