Would you like to share good resources with other youth ministers?

Do you have good ideas, teaching material, and youth ministry games that you would like to share with other youth ministers?

We are constantly looking for solid, proven materials that we can publish on adventuresinministry.com that other youth ministers could benefit from. Maybe you could help. 

When many of us were young, new youth ministers, we struggled with finding good materials that we could use to teach our youth groups. Sometimes we all have dry seasons of creativity where we struggle to come up with great series. At Adventures In Ministry, we want to share materials that are proven to win with your students. 

So...if you have a teaching series, devotional, sermon, retreat/camp theme, or youth ministry game that you created or adapted, would be willing to share that resource with us so that we could share with other youth ministers?

We will give you full credit for the materials, provide links for those who download the resource to contact and/or follow you online. 

Here's a few things we would ask from you...

  • Send all resources in Word documents
  • Any graphics with the resource are great, but if they were purchased or downloaded from other websites, please do not send them
  • If you adapted or quoted resources from other authors or speakers, please given them credit in the document. 

Can you help?!

If so, send all resources to us in an email to [email protected]