What is the work of IN2 Global?
The IN2 Global Ministry Team will effectively create a plan to plant congregations, and promote events that will create spiritual strength in the Lords Church in the U.S. and abroad. Together the IN2 Global Team has around 60 years of experience serving and teaching in Gods Kingdom. We will go to the mission work of your choice to encourage, edify, & energize. IN2 is established to help your congregation and your interests on the global stage.
IN2 Global Ministry Focus
1. Our #1 priority is to make disciples today & for the next generation.
2. We must follow & share the Great Commission.
3. Christians must work together in order to impact the world.
4. Creating networks will build unity in the Lords Church.
“Dear Brethren, We were very blessed to have Jon Podein and Paul Spurlin come and work with our youth here at Wembley Church of Christ which was attended by other congregations like Bristol, Stratford, Newport and few other churches of Christ within and outside of London area . It was wonderful to see absence of barriers of nationalities and cultures from day one. For the youth connected with Jon & Paul in an incredible way and shared some very personal and secular struggles and challenges they are facing in their daily lives.The lessons that Jon & Paul taught had a great impact on our youth. I personally thought that the youth connected very well with them and took the opportunity to share their feelings about how they look toward to meeting each other with the help of these youth gatherings that are very rare in their case. Some of the young adults were truly touched by the topics in the sessions Jon and Paul taught. It also helped us to know how hungry and thirsty are the youth for the Word of God, for the fellowship of fellow youth and for the encouragement from the older members of the church. Youth here has only one bible camp per year which lasts 5 days. We learned from this event that the youth want more of these events more than once a year. Vijay and I asked the youth if another event not with the same format but with a similar cause would help and they all very much agreed that they would love to have another youth gatherings. I have also mention that since our youth gathering we did at Wembley, churches are now planning one day youth gatherings. We have a Bristol youth weekend coming up in October this year. And next year, at the August time, we have Stratford church of Christ planning a youth day. The whole objective was to enlighten the need in the congregations to be more responsive and take responsibility towards the youth programs. The Sunday bible class that Jon taught shook a lot of adults I have to mention. All in a good, positive and encouraging way.The Sunday sermon by Paul was very encouraging. Their way of preaching was connecting and reaching out to our hearts. Jon’s way of preaching was very bold and strong whilst Paul ‘s preaching was emotionally connecting us to the word. It was a great 4 days worth of spiritual feeder program. Nobody ever thought int eh congregation that it would be such a great success with the youth but God had a plan and it turned to be one of the most amazing events of the year at Wembley. When we shared a litre video clip that was made out of the picture and videos taken - the whole church was filled with joy and happiness. Everybody appreciated and encourage the whole efforts from everyone involved. This whole experience has had a great impact on all of us and we are now very much looking forward to this year’s EYC. We are counting days to be there to witness and be part of that amazing 4 days of the conference. In His Love”